Last week, Vita Center Interns Gaby Mora and Skye Tranqille traveled to the United Nations to hear the UN World Youth Report for Civic Engagement.
Vita recognizes that inter-generational collaboration is an important facet of change. The UN reccognizes the importance of inspiring and engaging youth. Starting early can ensure a lifelong commitment to the betterment of society through policy change and targeted innovative practices. "Prepared by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affais, the World Youth Report on Youth Civic Engagement explores young people's participation in economic, political and community life, responding to growing interest in, and an increased policy focus on, youth civic engagement in recent years among Governments, young people and researchers. The Report provides thematic insights on economic, political and community engagement, couple with expert opinion pieces so as to provide robust and varied perspectives into youth engagement.
In offering fresh perspectives and innovative ideas on youth engagement, the Report is intended to serve as an impetus and tool for dialouge, policy discussion and action between youth and government."
And serve it has. Through Vita Center, Gaby and Skye have already connected Vita to amazing people (through the Inspired Latina event) who havereached out to collaborate on events that will benefit the larger community.
"As the world changes with unprecedented speed, young people are proving to be invaluable partners who can advance meaningful solutions. Youth movements and student groups are challenging traditional power structures and advocating a new social contract between States and societies. Young leaders have contributed fresh ideas, taken proactive measures, and mobilized through social media as never before. I applaud the millions of young people who are protesting for rights and participation, addressing staggering levels of youth unemployment, raising their voices against injustice, and advocating global action for people and the planet." - United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
Read the full report here -