Image from NPR's "How Teachers Can Help 'Quiet Kids' Tap Their Superpowers"
Our mission here at Vita is to help empower women to enter the workforce. Our Vita Teachers for Children Program is designed to give people the necessary skills they need to become amazing teachers and educators. However, it isn't all about getting a job - it's also about passing along knowledge and the joy of learning and education to children. Becoming a teacher is a fulfilling career path where you have the chance to affect children's lives in a positive and impactful manner. Read the article below about one woman's journey to ensuring that quiet kids, like the one she used to be, also get the most out of school.
How Teachers Can Help 'Quiet Kids' Tap Their Superpowers
"When Lily Shum was little, she dreaded speaking up in class. It wasn't because she didn't have anything interesting to say, or because she wasn't paying attention or didn't know the answer. She was just quiet.
"Every single report card that I ever had says, 'Lily needs to talk more. She is too quiet,' " recalls Shum, now an assistant director at Trevor Day School in Manhattan.
She doesn't want her students to feel the pressure to speak up that she felt.
That's why she joined more than 60 educators in New York City recently at the Quiet Summer Institute. The professional development workshop was based on Susan Cain's best-seller Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking..."